Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Narrative report

It was a very hot afternoon of August 9, 2009 when we had our seminar regarding physical assessment, IMCI approach, global challenge in community health development and sexual and reproductive health at the Divine Word Academy, Dagupan City.

I was so excited then, because I know that I will learn a lot form that seminar. At around 10:00 a.m., I with my colleagues went to DWAD. We arrived there so early, so we waited for few hours for the seminar to start.

At exactly 1:30 p.m. the seminar started. The seminar started with a prayer and singing of the national anthem. Mrs. Jane Fernandez introduced the first speaker. The first speaker was Mrs. Cherylina G. Dalilis. She talked about introduction to Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses (IMCI). The discussion about IMCI was very fun because Ma’am Dalilis was a very good speaker. She imparted important information about the topic and I learned a lot. Aside from IMCI she also discussed about physical assessment. She discussed how to integrate the proper physical assessment.

After the discussion of Ma’am Dalilis, Mrs. Fernandez introduced the next speaker. Prof. Carmen Bolinto was the second speaker. She talked about global challenges in community health development, where she showed some pertinent data about the topic. The discussion was very fun because of data she showed to us. Those data were very informative that gave us hints what was going on the health situations around the globe. On the other hand, she also discussed about sexual and reproductive health. She inculcated important information regarding that topic. Indeed, it was a very fun discussion. After the discussion we sung a song that made us alive and kicking.

When the seminar ended at around 5:00 p.m., happiness was inside my heart because I have learned a lot of information. This seminar made me equipped with the different information that is needed in my chosen career. This seminar served not only that I got certificates but rather the knowledge that I have gained.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Till the end

Till the End

The time that we have been together
I realized that I really love you.
Every night I am thinking of you,
that all of my dream s will become true.

No one can take us apart,
because we've shown the best.
No matter what impediments will come,
I know we will survive.

The love that we've shared,
A million sweet memories
that will not surely fade away,
You are the one I truly love.

Just remember, "I'm here,"
No matter what happens.
Don't worry my dear,
"I will love you till the end."

by: Greenerpasture

Monday, May 18, 2009


“I have difficulty of breathing”, as verbalized by the patient.
“I have headache upon awakening”, as verbalized by the patient.
Temp. 37.2 degrees Celsius
PR: 146 BPM
RR: 19 breaths/min
BP: 140/90 mmHg
Confusion; restlessness; pale skin; abnormal breathing; nasal flaring; abnormal ABGs/arterial pH as evidenced by hypoxia
Nursing diagnosis
Impaired gas exchange related to inflammatory process, collection of secretions affecting oxygen exchange across alveolar membrane, and hypoventilation possibly evidence by restlessness/change in mentation, dyspnea , tachycardia, pallor and abnormal ABGs/arterial pH evidence of hypoxia
Client will:
Demonstrate improved ventilation and adequate oxygenation of tissues by ABGs within client’s normal limits and absence of respiratory distress
Participate in treatment regimen(e.g. breathing exercises, effective coughing, use of oxygen)within level of ability/situation

*Maintain oxygen administration device as ordered to maintain oxygen saturation at 90% or greater

* For patients who should be ambulatory, provide extension tubing or portable oxygen apparatus.

* Position with proper body alignment for optimal respiratory excursion (if tolerated, head of bed at 45 degrees).

* Routinely check the patient’s position so that he or she does not slide down in bed

* Position patient to facilitate ventilation/perfusion matching. Use upright, high-Fowler’s position whenever possible.

* Pace activities and schedule rest periods to prevent fatigue

* Change patient’s position every 2 hours.

* Encourage deep breathing, using incentive spirometer as indicated

* Encourage or assist with ambulation as indicated

*assist with splinting the chest

*Observe signs of respiratory distress(increased rate/restlessness and pallor)

*Teach the patient appropriate deep breathing and coughing

* This provides for adequate oxygenation.

* These promote activity and facilitate more effective ventilation

*This promotes lung expansion and improves air exchange

* This would cause the abdomen to compress the diaphragm, which would cause respiratory embarrassment.
* High-Fowler’s position allows for optimal diaphragm excursion. When patient is positioned on side, the good side should be down

* Even simple activities such as bathing during bed rest can cause fatigue and increase oxygen consumption.
* This facilitates secretion movement and drainage.

* This reduces alveolar collapse.

* This promotes lung expansion, facilitates secretion clearance, and stimulates deep breathing.
*Splinting optimizes deep breathing and coughing efforts.
*These clinical manifestation would be early indicators of hypoxia

*Facilitates adequate air exchange and secretion clearance

Outcome met. The patient demonstrated improved oxygen ventilation and adequate oxygenation. Added to that he participated in treatment regimen for breathing exercise, effective coughing, and use of oxygen



“I feel weak”, as verbalized by the patient.
“ I am having discomfort and difficulty of breathing”, as verbalized by the patient

Temp.: 37.2 degrees Celsius
PR: 140 BPM
RR: 22 breathes/min
BP:140/90 mmHg
Development/severing pallor; excessive coughing

Nursing diagnosis

Activity intolerance related to imbalance between oxygen supply and demand, general weakness possibly evidenced by reports of fatigue,dyspnea,and abnormal ital sign response to activity
Client will:
Report/demonstrate a measurable increase in tolerance to activity with absence of dyspnea and excessive fatigue, and vital signs either normal patient’s acceptable range.
*Evaluate patient’s response to activity. Note reports of dyspnea, increase weaknesses/fatigue, and changes in vital signs during and after activities.

*Provide a quiet environment and limit visitors during acute phase as indicated. Encourage use of stress management and diversional activities as appropriate.

*Explain importance of rest in treatment plan and necessity for balancing activities with rest. *Establishes patient’s capabilities/needs and facilitates choice of interventions

*Reduce stress and excess stimulation, promoting rest.

*Bed rest is maintained during acute phase to decrease metabolic demands, thus conserving energy for healing. Activity intolerance restrictions thereafter are determined by individual patient response to activity and resolution of respiration insufficiency Outcome met. The patient reported and demonstrated a measurable increase in tolerance to activity with absence of dyspnea and excessive fatigue, and vital signs were normal.

Outcome met. The patient reported and demonstrated a measurable increase in tolerance to activity with absence of dyspnea and excessive fatigue, and vital signs were normal.

Nursing care plan for Pneumonia

“I have rapid, labored respirations", as verbalized by the patient.
“I feel restless and weak", as verbalized by the patient.
Temp. 39.2 degrees Celsius
Pulse rate: 70 BPM
Respiration: 24 breaths/min.
BP: 118/70 mm Hg
inspiratory crackles with diminished/adventitious breath sounds right base; excessive sputum production; skin pale; cheeks flushed; chills; use of accessory muscles
Nursing Diagnosis
Ineffective airway clearance related to inability to maintain clear airway as characterized by (+) sputum (+) crackles, rapid, labored respiration, pallor and use of accessory muscles when breathing.


Client will:
Maintain airway patency
expectorate/clear secretions readily
Demonstrate absence/reduction of congestion with breath sounds clear, respirations noiseless, improve oxygen exchange *Encourage deep breathing and coughing exercises


* Encourage use of incentive spirometry, a appropriate

*Increase fluid intake to at least 2000ml/day within cardiac tolerance

*Administer analgesics

*Monitor respirations and breathe sounds, noting rate, rhythm and effort.

*Note chest movement, watching for symmetry, use of accessory muscles, and supraclavicular and intercostals muscle refractions

*Evaluate cough/gag reflex and swallowing ability

*Auscultate breath sounds and assess air movement to ascertain status and note progress
*Observe signs of respiratory distress(increased rate, restlessness/anxiety, use of accessory muscles for breathing)
*Obtain sputum specimen, preferably before antimicrobial therapy is initiated
*Institute respiratory therapy treatments as needed

*monitor/document serial chest X-rays and changes in tidal volume and ABG values


*Deep breathing promotes oxygenation before controlled coughing

*Breathing exercises help maximize ventilation

*Assist to a sitting position with head slightly flexed, shoulders relaxed, and knees flexed

*It improves cough when pain is inhibiting effort

*Provides a basis for evaluating adequacy of ventilation and indicates of respiratory distress and/or accumulation of secretions.

*Presence of nasal flaring and use of accessory muscles of respiration may occur in response to ineffective ventilation

* Determines ability to protect own airway

* Assists in evaluating prescribed treatments and client outcomes

*These clinical manifestation would be early indicators of hypoxia

*Verifies appropriateness of therapy

*A variety of respiratory therapy treatments may be used to open constricted airways and liquefy secretions

*Evaluates the status of oxygenation, ventilation and acid-base balance

Outcome met. The patient maintains airway patency. Expectorated/cleared secretions readily. Demonstrated reduction of congestion with breath sounds clear, respirations noiseless, and improved oxygen exchange

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Narrative Report for RLE( September 18, 2008)

The cock's crow woke me up with as tart. My stimulus was to put my blood pressure apparatus, thermometer, torniquet and tape measure on my bag because its an exciting Thursday and we were to have our first ever exposure to our community service in Rural Health Unit- buenlag. and I told myself " This is the beginning of of my journey to become a uture registered nurse."
Like a running pulse, I rushed to the bathroom and took a bath. i ate my breakfast and wore my nursing t shirt and pants. i went to catch a ride I attended my first class in anatomy and physiology that morning.
afternoon, the time I have been waiting for has come and I can't hide my feelings. the jeepney that we hired was already their and our classmates were all coming. at about 1:30 p.m., we were complete together with our clinical instructor , Ms Michelle Austria and we starte our trip to Buenlag. as we were travelling I felt that all of us were veery excited and ready to face our clients with smiles.
At last, we arrived in Buenlag. our clinical instructor introduce us to the public health nurse in the RHU.
We all did our activities that time and I am very happy.
Everything became a wonderful journey for me. A journey that I will never forget in my entire existence in this world.

Monday, March 9, 2009

My reaction paper for "Rizal sa DApitan"

Reaction Paper for the Movie “Rizal sa Dapitan”

“Difficulties are not the reasons to give up but an inspiration to move on.” This dictum I think was on the mind of Dr. Jose P. Rizal when he was in Dapitan. He never gave up serving our country’s cause, even though the Spanish tried to deteriorate his life by threatening.

On July 17, 1892 the day when his exile began in Dapitan where he suffered, harassed and threatened his life by the Spaniards. This exile also strengthened his nationalism, love for his family, for the people of Dapitan and where his happiness happened.

In Dapitan, he was an exemplary person to the youth because he builds school for theme. Furthermore, he taught his students arnis, wrestling, boxing and swimming without tuition fees.

Rizal also gave medical assistance and free medicines to the poor person which was a very sincere action. He also operated his mother’s right eye in Dapitan.

One thing that I adored when he was in Dapitan was his community projects which consisted of water system and lighting system where the life of the people became easier.

He became also a farmer, businessman and a scientist and inventor in Dapitan where he became famous.

While he was in Dapitan, someone threatened his life and that was Florencio Namanan (Pablo Mercado) where Rizal showed his excellence in martial arts,

He met Josephine Bracken in Dapitan who later became his wife. The relationship of the two was opposed by Father Antonio Obach where he degraded Rizal as a person. That instance, strengthened his love for Josephine and late was pregnant but sadly it was miscarried.

Dr. Pio Valenzuela went to Dapitan to tell Rizal about the plans of the Katipunan which was objected by him. And on July 31, 1896 Rizal’s exile came to an end.

Truly the movie “Rizal sa Dapitan” was a very good movie because it showcased how Rizal love the country. This is a movie for the Filipino and must be treasured because of its nationalistic theme. No doubt, Rizal’s life was very exciting and purposeful.

My perspectives about the seminar in DWAD

I did not regret when I joined the seminar about malpractice and negligence in clinical setting, ethico legal, ethical issues in health care, and empowering yourself, because the two guest speakers were very good and they imparted important knowledge to me and everyone who attended the seminar.

The discussion of Atty. Antonio Alejandro D. Rebosa, M D, BS Criminology, Physician, and Lawyer was very informative and it enlightened me of what a nurse-patient relationship is all about. The lecture about ethico legal which includes medical malpractice and negligence, and Ethical issues in Health Care nurse or just a student nurse should know all of that because it is very useful. No doubt, Atty. Rebosa was an excellent speaker. I really like how he delivered his discussions.

Ms. Gracielle Victoria G. Dacanay, R.N., the speaker about empowering yourself was very funny. She discussed about how will you empower yourself and on how will you cope with your problems. I was enlightened with her lecture. I really like what she said in his lecture “Stop being a loser, aim to be winner.”

The venue was a comfortable place but I think it is better if it was held at Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation because all of the students who attended the seminar were from VMUF. I think the snack will fill our empty stomach but it didn’t satisfied my pangs of hunger that time, but I did not go their because of that, instead for the experience and new knowledge that I will treasure. In addition, the event organizer and the people in the registration area seemed that they are not sure what they are doing.

Truly, the seminar was excellent and very informative. I was very happy and fulfilled of the outcome in attending this seminar.


My reaction for the movie "the count of Monte Cristo"

Reaction paper for the movie

“The Count of Monte Cristo”

“God will give me justice,” this line which was engraved in the wall on the prison was retained on my mind when I watched the movie” The Count of Monte Cristo.” This movie amazed me very much because of its excellent theme.

I really like the story because it has a mixed of drama, suspense and romance. Furthermore, it was not a boring one to watch. The actors and actresses were superb in portraying their roles especially James Caviezel who portrayed the role of Edmond Dantes. I’m also amazed with the settings of the story. The views are awe-inspiring.

My adrenalin rush got higher because of many exciting scenes. First, was when Edmond Dantes was whipped in the prison by the authorities where he suffered in pain. Second, when another innocent prisoner taught him to write, read and to fence where he became wise and plotted revenge. Thirdly, when he fought with Fernand Mondego because it was very dramatic and it suspend me. I noticed also the rainbow while they are fighting.

After I watched the movie, I remember the two novels of Rizal because it has some similarities. Examples were the following; when Ibarra was abducted and imprisoned, the unending love for Maria Clara, and in El Filibusterismo where Ibarra disguised as Simoun and plotted for revenge also. No doubt, why Rizal enjoyed reading the book of “The Count of Monte Cristo,” by Alexander Dumas. And why people tried to made it as a movie.

The lavish scenery, dramatic acting and wonderful score all help make "The Count of Monte Cristo" a film worth watching. Truly, the movie was one of the best movies I watched in my eighteen years of existence and I really love it. I learned in this movie that “trials are not the reasons to give up but inspirations to move on.”

My narrative report in RLE (community service)

Narrative Report

I was very excited when Ma’am Michelle Austria, our clinical instructor told us that we will be having our community service. It was September 18, 2008 when my heart was filled with excitement because we were to have our first exposure in community in barangay Buenlag. That time’ I told myself that “this is the beginning of the journey to become a nurse. Many things happened and all of those were very memorable for me.

On a rainy Thursday afternoon of September 25, 2008 we went to Buenlag for our second community health service. Due to the bad weather we were not able to reach the residents of the barangay. That afternoon was a bit frustrating but still we were very glad because the other personnel of the RHU imparted important knowledge to us.

On hot afternoon of October 4, 2008 we went to barangay Songkoy for our last community service. I was very happy then for the reason that instead of going to Buenlag we went to the other barangay in Calasiao. I met different people with different cultures and dbeliefs. I will never forget lola Maria that afternoon because of her love for her children and grandchildren. The community service in Songkoy was very unforgettable for me.

Overall, I was very happy of what we accomplished on our community service. I felt how hard to serve the people but its very fulfilling.

“The great aim of education is not knowledge, but action”

- Herbert Spencer

My reaction for the documentary "An Inconvenient Truth"

Reaction Paper

“An Inconvenient Truth”


AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH is a documentary, an instrument of public education and talks about the problem of global warming in the earth and inspires people to take action to save the earth. This documentary centers on Al Gore, and his campaign to make global warming a recognized problem worldwide. Gore combines objective scientific evidence, humor and personal insights to create a powerful exploration of what he clearly believes is the most critical issue of this or any other time in human history. Davis Guggenheim was the director of the documentary.


The documentary was about global warming and on how can we protect our mother earth for future generations. Al Gore shows pictures of the earth and also shows us up-to-date data and statistics, which is also compared by figures in our prior years to show us the degree of damage we have done tour planet earth. The documentary also has elaborate cartoons and diagrams so that people of all intellectual capabilities can understand and relate to the topics under discussion. Added to that, he shows also pictures of the destruction of earth just like comparative photographs from footage of collapsing ice shelves, data on the record numbers of storms, disappearing glaciers around the world, great floods, and other kinds of extreme weather, new diseases which include viruses which hit the people , photos of dying polar bears animations of the effects of rising sea levels, and disappearing coral reefs. It has in depth explanations as to how all this damage has come to occur and why most people fail to respond to all warnings concerning about the planet. It also states that politics and mislead information has been given to most public, so that this issue can be ignored and not resolved as solutions and alternatives can cause a lot of problems and hassles economically. He tells that only political will can make a change and to encourage the people to stand up for saving the earth. One thing more it also shows his defeat with George W. Bush during the presidential election last 2000 in United States of America
It shows us that many countries prefer to go with censorship than to spend behind alternatives. He also mentioned about the Kyoto protocol where he showed the nations which signed that said protocol. Al Gore clearly mentioned the fate of the poor scientists who were persecuted for trying to reveal "unwanted" information to the public.
He said that many controversies were put up against the Global Warming theory, but the public now has the right shed some light on this matter. He also relates his life story in the documentary just like the death of her sister because of lung cancer and the near-fatal car accident of his son. He also gives solution on how to solve climate crisis:1) Neutralize your 2)remaining emissions 3)Don’t waste paper 4)Carry a refillable beverage bottle 5)Modify your diet to eat less meat 6)Buy things that last 7)Pre-cycle — reduce before you buy 8 )Vote with your dollars 9) Support an environmental group 10) Telecommute from home.


The documentary of Al Gore is very interesting, because it does not only give you information about global warming but also it will awaken you to take good care of our mother earth. It clearly showed the environmental conditions our planet is facing. Part of the reason why I like it was that Gore presents a powerful message that combines factual information, humor and, ultimately, hopes. I really like how Al Gore relates his life story with what was happening in the earth, especially global warming. I was shocked that there was already big increase on carbon dioxide emission. I don't like the fact that he put some issues in politics, especially on what happened in 2000 presidential election in America . The global warming issue was properly and well explained by giving so animations, graphics, and video clips. I realized how much we take our actions for granted, never giving any thought if those actions will have negative impact on the environment. I really like what he said in the documentary, “We no longer have much time left to change, but we do have time.” I was awakened by the documentary and it made me feel that it's our time to secure our future. I learned that if we are humane enough about the issue of global warming, we must encourage ourselves to make the change. Indeed, An Inconvenient Truth hits sharp and it hits hard. If you love our mother earth, watch it. No wait, don't just watch it, do something. Start making changes, to save the earth for ourselves and the next generation who will inherit it.

My speech in the class (Oral Communication)

Blood, Sweat and Tears speech by Sir Winston Churchill
May 13th 1940

On Friday evening last I received from His Majesty the mission to form a new administration. It was the evident will of Parliament and the nation that this should be conceived on the broadest possible basis and that it should include all parties. I have already completed the most important part of this task.

A war cabinet has been formed of five members, representing, with the Labour, Opposition, and Liberals, the unity of the nation. It was necessary that this should be done in one single day on account of the extreme urgency and rigor of events. Other key positions were filled yesterday. I am submitting a further list to the king tonight. I hope to complete the appointment of principal ministers during tomorrow.

The appointment of other ministers usually takes a little longer. I trust when Parliament meets again this part of my task will be completed and that the administration will be complete in all respects. I considered it in the public interest to suggest to the Speaker that the House should be summoned today. At the end of today's proceedings, the adjournment of the House will be proposed until May 21 with provision for earlier meeting if need be. Business for that will be notified to MPs at the earliest opportunity.

I now invite the House by a resolution to record its approval of the steps taken and declare its confidence in the new government.

The resolution:

"That this House welcomes the formation of a government representing the united and inflexible resolve of the nation to prosecute the war with Germany to a victorious conclusion."

To form an administration of this scale and complexity is a serious undertaking in itself. But we are in the preliminary phase of one of the greatest battles in history. We are in action at many other points-in Norway and in Holland -and we have to be prepared in the Mediterranean . The air battle is continuing, and many preparations have to be made here at home.

In this crisis I think I may be pardoned if 1 do not address the House at any length today, and I hope that any of my friends and colleagues or former colleagues who are affected by the political reconstruction will make all allowances for any lack of ceremony with which it has been necessary to act.

I say to the House as I said to ministers who have joined this government, I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat. We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many months of struggle and suffering.

You ask, what is our policy? I say it is to wage war by land, sea, and air. War with all our might and with all the strength God has given us, and to wage war against a monstrous tyranny never surpassed in the dark and lamentable catalogue of human crime. That is our policy.

You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word. It is victory. Victory at all costs - Victory in spite of all terrors - Victory, however long and hard the road may be, for without victory there is no survival.

Let that be realized. No survival for the British Empire, no survival for all that the British Empire has stood for, no survival for the urge, the impulse of the ages, that mankind shall move forward toward his goal.

I take up my task in buoyancy and hope. I feel sure that our cause will not be suffered to fail among men. I feel entitled at this juncture, at this time, to claim the aid of all and to say, "Come then, let us go forward together with our united strength."

Posts from my other accounts

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Five Things Happy People Do

Five Things Happy People Do
By Gabrielle LeBlanc

Sages going back to Socrates have offered advice on how to be happy, but only now are scientists beginning to address this question with systematic, controlled research. Although many of the new studies reaffirm time-honored wisdom ("Do what you love," "To thine own self be true"), they also add a number of fresh twists and insights. We canvassed the leading experts on what happy people have in common—and why it's worth trying to become one of them:They find their most golden self. Picture happiness. What do you see? A peaceful soul sitting in a field of daisies appreciating the moment? That kind of passive, pleasure-oriented—hedonic—contentment is definitely a component of overall happiness. But researchers now believe that eudaimonic well-being may be more important. Cobbled from the Greek eu ("good") and daimon ("spirit" or "deity"), eudaimonia means striving toward excellence based on one's unique talents and potential—Aristotle considered it to be the noblest goal in life. In his time, the Greeks believed that each child was blessed at birth with a personal daimon embodying the highest possible expression of his or her nature. One way they envisioned the daimon was as a golden figurine that would be revealed by cracking away an outer layer of cheap pottery (the person's baser exterior). The effort to know and realize one's most golden self—"personal growth," in today's lingo—is now the central concept of eudaimonia, which has also come to include continually taking on new challenges and fulfilling one's sense of purpose in life."Eudaimonic well-being is much more robust and satisfying than hedonic happiness, and it engages different parts of the brain," says Richard J. Davidson, PhD, of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. "The positive emotion accompanying thoughts that are directed toward meaningful goals is one of the most enduring components of well-being." Eudaimonia is also good for the body. Women who scored high on psychological tests for it (they were purposefully engaged in life, pursued self-development) weighed less, slept better, and had fewer stress hormones and markers for heart disease than others—including those reporting hedonic happiness—according to a study led by Carol Ryff, PhD, a professor of psychology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

They design their lives to bring in joy. It may seem obvious, but "people don't devote enough time to thinking seriously about how they spend their life and how much of it they actually enjoy," says David Schkade, PhD, a psychologist and professor of management at the University of California San Diego. In a recent study, Schkade and colleagues asked more than 900 working women to write down everything they'd done the day before. Afterward, they reviewed their diaries and evaluated how they felt at each point. When the women saw how much time they spent on activities they didn't like, "some people had tears in their eyes," Schkade says. "They didn't realize their happiness was something they could design and have control over." Analyzing one's life isn't necessarily easy and may require questioning long-held assumptions. A high-powered career might, in fact, turn out to be unfulfilling; a committed relationship once longed for could end up being irritating with all the compromising that comes with having a partner. Dreams can be hard to abandon, even when they've turned sour. Fortunately, changes don't have to be big ones to tip the joy in your favor. Schkade says that if you transfer even an hour of your day from an activity you hate (commuting, scrubbing the bathroom) to one you like (reading, spending time with friends), you should see a significant improvement in your overall happiness. Taking action is key. Another recent study, at the University of Missouri, compared college students who made intentional changes (joining a club, upgrading their study habits) with others who passively experienced positive turns in their circumstances (receiving a scholarship, being relieved of a bad roommate). All the students were happier in the short term, but only the group who made deliberate changes stayed that way. They avoid "if only" fantasies. If only I get a better job…find a man…lose the weight…life will be perfect. Happy people don't buy into this kind of thinking. The latest research shows that we're surprisingly bad at predicting what will make us happy. People also tend to misjudge their contentment when zeroing in on a single aspect of their life—it's called the focusing illusion. In one study, single subjects were asked, "How happy are you with your life in general?" and "How many dates did you have last month?" When the dating question was asked first, their romantic life weighed more heavily into how they rated their overall happiness than when the questions were reversed.

The other argument against "if only" fantasies has to do with "hedonic adaptation"—the brain's natural dimming effect, which guarantees that a new house won't generate the same pleasure a year after its purchase and the thrill of having a boyfriend will ebb as you get used to being part of a couple. Happy people are wise to this, which is why they keep their lives full of novelty, even if it's just trying a new activity (diving, yoga) or putting a new spin on an old favorite (kundalini instead of vinyasa).They put best friends first. It's no surprise that social engagement is one of the most important contributors to happiness. What's news is that the nature of the relationship counts. Compared with dashing around chatting with acquaintances, you get more joy from spending longer periods of time with a close friend, according to research by Meliksah Demir, PhD, assistant professor of psychology at Northern Arizona University. And the best-friend benefit doesn't necessarily come from delving into heavy discussions. One of the most essential pleasures of close friendship, Demir found, is simple companionship, "just hanging out," as he says, hitting the mall or going to the movies together and eating popcorn in the dark.They allow themselves to be happy. As much as we all think we want it, many of us are convinced, deep down, that it's wrong to be happy (or too happy). Whether the belief comes from religion, culture, or the family you were raised in, it usually leaves you feeling guilty if you're having fun."Some people would say you shouldn't strive for personal happiness until you've taken care of everyone in the world who is starving or doesn't have adequate medical care," says Howard Cutler, MD, coauthor with the Dalai Lama of The Art of Happiness in a Troubled World. "The Dalai Lama believes you should pursue both simultaneously. For one thing, there is clear research showing that happy people tend to be more open to helping others. They also make better spouses and parents." And in one famous study, nuns whose autobiographies expressed positive emotions (such as gratitude and optimism) lived seven to 10-and-a-half years longer than other nuns. So, for any die-hard pessimist who still needs persuading, just think of how much more you can help the world if you allow a little happiness into your life.

life without you

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The unending care of Mam Mich .... Goodbye but see you soon

This picture was taken during the farewell party of BSN II-A for MAm Michelle... We will miss her sweet smile ...Thank you mAM

Saturday, October 11, 2008

movie review

Reaction Paper

The movie was all about the life story of Jose Rizal, the national hero of the Philippines. It covers his life from his childhood to his execution at the hands of the Spanish forces occupying the Philippines in the late 19th century. We are also equipped into the world of two novels of Rizal (filmed in black and white), so we get a glimpse of how he viewed Filipino society under the Spanish regime.

I really enjoy watching the movie because of its nationalistic theme and I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride when watching certain parts. For the first time, I enjoyed watching a film without getting bored. The movie has its own complexity and some see-through based on true fact, I believe that the fact that Jose Rizal did have a love affair with his cousin should not have been shown in the movie because it gives Jose Rizal a new and bad light after he kissed Leonor Rivera, his cousin.

As I am watching the movie questions was on my mind. Does his death trigger the revolution activities? Was it beyond his will, or did he want it to happen? The night before execution, the ghost of Simoun came out in his room, and urged him to rewrite the story. At last Rizal says "Let me have a rest. To know who I am." Then he rewrites the story so that the lamp explodes to kill many suppressors. I really like this part.

Since I first knew of Rizal in a book when I was Grade 2, I have had a question. Why is Rizal the National Hero, not Bonifacio, nor Aguinaldo? Rizal did little except writing two novels. Why? Watching the movie, I found the answer. Historically, his books and his death triggered the revolution activities. But true reason is, I suppose, that Rizal had a universal view on freedom and humanity.

I was impressed by the following lines: A) after having death sentence, his barrister says he is ashamed as Spanish. Rizal says, "No, we are the same human beings." B) In a Madrid pub, he says "Unless we first learn self-respect, we will not be respected by any other people. He was not a perfect man, nor his ideas. But he left something everlasting, that Filipinos can be proud of.

I really like the setting of the movie. The actors and actresses were very good especially Cesar Montano who portrayed the role of Jose Rizal.

This movie is a worth recommendable especially for the Filipinos who were not proud where they came from.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Nature lover

Don't ever deteriorate ou mother earth.
Remember the 3 R's Reduce Recycle and Reuse.
Conserve water and energy.
Plant trees.
Always throw your garbage in proper place.
stop illegal logging.
Never abuse the beauty of our nature..

Love our mother earth so that we can attain a healthy living.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Dream poems

My dear dream

Dream of sea, Dream of ships, Dream of huge ocean, Dream of men in unifom Its my dream, dream so different, Dream so new, dream of dark sky up above, Dream of sea so calm, dream of sea roaring, Its my sweet dream.Dream of men in white, in white applet, Dream of be one with them, Dream so sweet, wonderfull, specail, close to my heart, Its my sweet dream.Dreaming to get my dreams happen.Its my sweet dream.
- janet kavitha

Escape into the mind...a fantasy

I have a dream. My dream is a dream of purest fantasy. A dream that can only be dreamt by one who is deeply asleep. I dream this dream frequently and I'm sure there are many others who share this dream also. My dream takes me higher than the clouds, further than the horizon and faster than a gale force wind. I dream exuberantly and breathtakingly and I always wish never to escape from it because it is such pure ecstacy. Sadly, though, as with all dreams...it ends with a yawn and a stretch and a moment's sadness that it was JUST a dream and that is almost the beauty of it.
-Sally Clarke

You can go as far as your dreams can take you

You Can Go as Far as Your Dreams Can Take You
If you can reach out, you can hold on.If you can imagine, you can achieve.
If you just begin, you can continue.Search within, and you'll find a reasonto believe...
If you can get involved, you can make it happen.
If you can give, you will be rewarded with the taking.
If you can climb, you can climb even higher.
Envision it; your success is in the making.
If you trust the winner within you,you will win.
If you can keep your courage, you will go so far.
If you follow your ambitions, your coursewill guide youtoward a ladder that you can climb to your stars.
If you don't put limits on yourself, you can alwayskeep striving.
You might amaze yourself with whatyou discover you can do.
If you want to reach out for happiness,don't ever forget these words:You can go as far as your dreams can take you.
- Collin McCarty